Friday, April 3, 2009

it's been way too long since I wrote poor baby is sick. He has been coughing his head off for a couple days now. He coughs so hard he gags himself it's so sad. So we've been giving him tylenol and he has had to sleep in his car seat cause he can't lay flat on his back (makes him cough more). He went to the dr and they said it's just a cough, nothing they can do.
What's new with me? I got a hair cut a couple weeks ago. It's so much better. It was so long it would get caught in my armpits and behind my back everytime I sat down. ANNOYING! Anyway it's been much easier to deal with.
I am enjoying working part time. I have been able to spend a lot of time with my sister and it's been fun. Crosley and I have gone to the park a couple times and it's just great to be "free". He is so much fun to have around. He is such a great great baby.
I have been talking about doing a crafting business with a couple friends (nothing too crazy). I have been working on making bibs and some other baby stuff. I have been enjoying sewing lately. I am super excited about easter coming up. We have family coming into town...but also I have the cutest outfit for Crosley to wear and I'm excited about that! We have plans for an easter egg hunt with all the cousins and a birthday party and Crosley's baby dedication, all kinds of fun family time. I'm excited!!!
PS Madeline and Hudson call Crosley, Croseley and I think it's adorable.